
Lip sync problems


Sony are asking for help with the sound sync problem. There is a request for everyone with lip sync issues on the E380 and some other devices to give details:

Get on there and let them know this needs fixing!!


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I haven't been on here for a while. Just to remind you I have:

TV = KDL 32EX723 with PKG4.005EUA-0104 software

Blue Ray/DVD HBD E280 with M07.R.0615 software

and STILL have lyp sync errors when playing BlueRay discs.

Does anyone, including SONY if you are listening, have any possible resolutions before I throw it all in the bin ?!

I am sorry to repeat myself but since this first update, there hasn't been any new comments or progress.

The update didn't solve the lip sync issue in my system.

If I inject a Bluray disc in the BDV-E380 I have a 175ms delay, everytime.

So I have to adjust it with the remote.

If I go to TV sound, it is in perfect sync, unless of course I've just watched a Bluray disc and then I have to go back and forth with the AV Sync and it is REALLY irritating.

I hoped more updates would come out because it solved the issue for a number of people (not ALL) but it seems Sony has completely dropped the ball on this problem.

My TV is a Samsung ue55d7000, i don't know if it has anything to do with the problem.

You can be sure of one thing, my next purchase won't be a Sony!

I have a KDL-40HX753 T.V  and BDV-N590 home theatre and I have lip sync if  I do not press HDMI 1 on the home theatre my cables are




now  if on the home theatre I press  hdmi 2 and on t.v hdmi 2 I get lip sync but If I press  hdmi 1 on home theatre and hdmi 2 on t.v lip sync is gone................

my only other problem i sound occasionaly going out and coming back on while watching t.v or changing channels on sky.I get a scrackle or pop a bit like static through the speakers and the sound comes back but  if it doesnt pop or scrackle sound will not come back on.

TV: Philips Ambilight Cineos 32PF9830/10

Home Cinema: Sony BDV-E780W

Inputs: Playstation 3, Sky HD

I too still have a lip sync issue when connecting all three devices with HDMI cables, even after the latest firmware update.  The audio is about 0.5 sec behind the video.  I have subsequently taken the unit back to the shop where I bought it from and they hooked it up to a Samsung TV (dont recall the model) and another Blu ray player (dont remember the make or model).  When it was all connected via HDMI it worked for them.  I was told that the problem most likely would be the cables and I needed to use ARC 1.4 compliant HDMI leads.

I bought such a lead from them and returned home to connect the devices and what-do-you-know....same problem exists.  Which leads me to believe that the issue is with the TV in that it can't cope with the signal it is receiving from the BDV780W.

If I connect the devices via Coax/Optical then there isn't a problem but this shouldn't be the solution to having a unit that has been designed with having two HDMI inputs and one HDMI output.  Plus as I have two inputs this doesn't solve my problem in the long term.

I recall someone saying earlier in this thread that if there was a firmware upgrade that allowed us to changed the AV Sync to have a scope of -500ms to +500ms I think this would solve the issues not only for me but also a lot of other users here.

I've been buying Sony equipment for a number of years now and if this is now the level of service and grade of hardware / software I can expect from them in the future I will start looking for another marque...

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I have a BDV-L600 and I have a sound delay of circa 1/2 second with HDMI1 HDMI2 and TV input.

I have a second problem: the system is correctly connected to LAN but the Media Remote installed on my iPhone doesn't see it.

I hope Sony will resolve these problems soon as possible.


Hi all,

I just purchased a Sony BDV-E380 and have experienced a lip sync issue with it.

I initially took the latest ip software upgrade and then had to adjust the delay by 125mS to get it back in sync with the audio coming out of my TV speakers. I find that acceptable as there's always likely to be a difference in the time it takes the TV to decode and display the A/V to what the E380 does.

I've only used it twice so it's early days but I noticed the Lipsync drifting out when using the HDMI pass-through.

The sync was acceptable for a couple of hours viewing before it drifted quickly to being aprox 500mS behind the video.

The audio from the TV speakers also apeared to be out of sync at this point so I suspect the sync issue is happening within the A/V routing of the E380.

I'm running my Freesat box into the TV directly for a while just to check the problem doesn't occur before I put the E380 back in the chain and look into the problem further.

My TV is a Samsung (7 series I think)

I've only quickly scanned all the other comments on this forum but it sounds like my issues are a little different to other peoples (in that it drifts) ?

I'll have a play with this over the next week or so, if it doesn't look resolvable the unit will have to go back as faulty.



BTW If Sony want any assistance debugging this issue I'm happy to help?


I have done some more troubleshooting on the issue.

The problem doesn't seem to come from the Sony BDV E380 after all but from the Samsung LCD TVs.

I have tested the Blu-ray player on a Panasonic Plasma 42 inch and no delay at all.

I have tested it on my 2 other Samsung TV and surprisingly both show the same problem

The two models :



When you plug the blu-ray player, there is a 175ms audio delay with Blurays in Dolby Digital or DTS HD.

The only solution I have found for this and it worked for both TVs is to set the bluray HDMI channel in "Game Mode" (you can do that in some setting in the menu) and then the delay goes away instantly. Of course game mode means that the picture looks a little less good but I guess I will have to use it like that for the moment.

What is surpising is that amongst my many tests I could see that if I plug a device in the bluray (ex : Xbox, apple TV), there is no delay whether the channel is in Game Mode or not. It means that only the internal Bluray player has the issue but I couldn't say if it's because the sound starts too soon compared to the picture or if it's because the processing by the TV creates a delay.

In any case, it worked fine on the plasma TV so I really oughto think the Samsung brand is at fault here.

I wanted to inform Sony of that and wonder if you could do some tests similar to mine with Samsung TVs and get to the bottom of that problem. I would like to know for example if I'm the only one with this problem (in which case I might consider bringing the bluray to a repair center) or if other people from Sony or this forum could confirm. As I have seen that the previous poster talks about a Samsung 7000 series TV it might me a good test to try in "Game Mode" and see if the issue is the same.



Hi Guzo,

Putting the Samsung TV into Game mode does reduce the audio lag on the TV, I expect it to as all the video processing  is disabled whic will reduce the time from video decode to display. This has no impact on the issue I see.

My issue is the sound drifting from being in sync to lagging the video. This sound lag is being introduced as part of the HDMI routing in the Sony BDV-E380. The drift occurs identically on the tv speakers as it does out of the Sony speakers so this is nothing tole tv is doing.

The Samsung TV is definately not the issue.

I'm seeing the issue when watching ITV1 HD (UK) which is MPEG4 and I think DD audio.

I've not seen the same issue on ITV1 SD which is MPEG2 but I'll check.

My concern is this may not be an issue that can or will be resolved in a software change



The issue is caused by the processing of the picture on your TV, you will have to adjust the sync setting for each input, in worse cases like Sky/Virgin Boxes, you may have to make this adjustment on every channel, ITV HD I gave up on some months ago, even with a dedicated AV amplifier I could not resolve the issues of ITV.

This is a limitation of your TV and your AV equipment and in most cases it is normal, the more work they do with picture or audio the more out of sync they will go, high end AV receivers can save settings for each input, these BDV products are very basic and will require your intervention when you watch different sources.

Oh and worst of all some people just see it and there is no getting it away once they do.