HX820 & BDV-EF1100 Hdmi Arc ?


HX820 & BDV-EF1100 Hdmi Arc ?

Merry Christmas everybody,


I've connected the ef1100 to hdmi1(arc) on the hx820 ,according to the manual should listen the sound from the tv to the speakers of the ef1100 without the need of an optical cable .


Hdmi comtrol is enabled on both devices ,the hdmi cable is 1.4v ,whats wrong then ?needs another setting somewhere ?


I get sound from the ef1100 speakers only when optical cable is connected between the devices.

Any tip ?


So i will describe the connections and the situation after some days of trying find a solution..


In the hdmi1 of the Hx820 is the BDV-EF1100 ,in hdmi2&3 are 2 sat boxes ,and in hdmi4 is a wd live hub connected ,

only when i use the sat box in hdmi3 ,the hdmi control works fine and i can lsiten the sound without any optical cable.


When i switch to hdmi2 or 4 ,tv speakers are enabled because of communication failure ,switch back to hdmi3 audio system is enabled again ..

Any ideas ?

Not applicable

Hi there


On the WD Live Hub, check through your Audio and Video settings - ensure that you are outputting via HDMI (and for audio, try using pass-though).


Same really on the sat box - although if its an older one, it may not support audio output via HDMI.




Nice to read from you,
Well I just switched the cables on the hdmi tv ports and confirmed that the same sat box keep working with the hdmi control, I will check next the cables between them just in case..
Will let you know

Happy new year everybody ,

so after a research the only solution that i found is this


ordered 2 ,1 for my sat box and 1 for the wd live hub



thank you very much for your kind help !



Not applicable

No problems :slight_smile:


Interesting product.  Didnt know they had one of those on the market.  Curious to see if it works for you!  :four_leaf_clover:


I will let you know ,but i didnt see any negative reviews anywhere ,other solution would be to disable pin13 on a hdmi cable ,i tried once with a thin nail to bend it but didnt work

Sad to say ,these Lindy adapters didnt make any change as i hoped ,its strange that bravia sync works Only with the one sat box ,doesnt work for the 2nd and for the wd live hub


Its also weired that when i switch from sat box 1 >2 ,first come the sound and in 3'' ,tv speakers are active due to communication failure


Iam thinking to buy this .


but again too much spending ,a lot of cables around ..


Any ideas ? everywhere i read that these Lindy's did the job and fixed related issues ..funny



What is your opinion ?



Not applicable

Wow -  Umm, My line of thinking here, is to litterally start from the start, because something is not right somewhere.  Back to basic troubleshooting.  What i mean is in unplug the lot and factory reset the TV and EF1100.


Before anything, I know you said that you have got HDMI 1.4 cables.  Can you double check this, because ARC will not work on anything less!  HDMI1.4a


My advice here is to do the following:

  • Ensure both TV and EF1100 has the latest firmware
  • Unplug EVERYTHING that is connected to the TV (EF1100, sky boxes, the lot) - leave only freeview aerial if using it.
  • Factory Reset the TV.
  • Redo all settings to the TV
  • Connect ONLY the EF1100 to the TV using HDMI 1 ARC port
  • Factory reset the EF1100
  • Reset all settings to the EF1100
  • Test the EF1100 thoroughly and ensure that it works via ARC port, outputting audio via freeview.

If that works, plug in ONE device at a time and test thoroughly before adding another device.  If you plug in one device and it all goes haywire, that could be a likely cause.


If it doesnt work, there is definately and issue between the two, somewhere along the lines.


I have done this over again ,switched also the hdmi cable with brand new for the hdmi1 arc tv port and the player ,i have some spare cables 1.4 will try again and report back ,

Thanks !

Not applicable

Im sorry Nikkakog, I can understand that you are frustrated.  I just dont have any more suggestions or idea's im afraid - I simply dont know how to resolve this issue. :slight_frown:


If its refusing a connections between the two devices, I can only assume there might be a hardware issue.  The best thing I can do, is arrange for this to be esculated up to Support?  Please let me know, and ill try to arrange it.

