PS4 Eject problem

Hello. My PS4 has this problem where it at least 3-4 times a day totally freaks out and starts ejecting the disc like crazy.

I've already tried resetting database, I've tried the "solution" where you unplug the ps4 for 3 minutes and start it up again. Is there any way i can disable the eject disc button or maybe even fix it permanentally?

The solutions I've tried have been working for a few hours only before the ps4 starts freaking out again.


Right now I have to buy my games digitally which is much more expensive. It's ridiculous watching my ps4 i worked very hard for getting, get ruined for such a stupid thing.


Hi @Captain_Jewbacca and welcome to the Community :slight_smile:


Unfortunately we dont cover PS4 on this forum, perhaps you could post this

problem over at the official PS4 forum  Here


I'm sure someone will be able to help.

