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I will never buy a Sony TV again


I will never buy a Sony TV again



Just to say I’ve had enough now. My Sony Bravia TVs just isn’t fit for purpose. It’s the worst technology I have ever bought - a bug ridden pile of excrement.  

- Bugs in a software upgrade means that a full restart is required every time the TV is switched on. After 2 years this still hasn’t been fixed. I can’t put into words how annoying this is - but it means I will never buy a Sony TV again. 

- YouView requires an aerial connection to work. So doesn’t work if you can only connect via freesat. That’s right, the internet TV doesn’t work if you don’t have an aerial. 

- Constant wi-fi issues. And I mean constant. So bad I eventually had to buy some powerline adapters to avoid connecting via wi-fi

- Which then revealed issues with connecting to a LAN (fixed by changing date and time setting - I kid you not... but a great way to waste 2 hours searching through forums to find a solution)

And the saddest thing is this forum is full of people who feel the same way.  I have always bought and recommend Sony products. No more.


Sorry - I didn't see your reply.  Will try that now.  Thank you.

I too am really sad about the lack of updates for the TV.  My in-laws Panasonic Google TV gets very regular updates and this hasn't had any since 2021 - it's an Android device in the home and really poor from Sony 😞

It is unfortunate but I think it follows the same logic for smartphones. They only get supported for software updates for 2 or 3 years maximum, we always hope for the best but don't count on it too much as well. Most of the updates you're gonna get now mostly for security or bugs. But who knows? They might release a new one out of the blue!

I agree. The firmware on my KD43x80j is the latest version (6.6495.07) but is still very slow in changing channels on Freesat particularly going to a channel on another transponder. It sometimes hangs, presents the BBC 'good news' screen and reverts back to the channel it was previously on. Also there seems to be no way to match audio levels between HD and SD channels when using an external AV amplifier which eventually had to use an optical link as ARC implementation via HDMI was unreliable when that had been perfectly working with my previous Toshiba TV. 

Community Team

Hey @Mike-G1sbn, try to clear the cached data of your TV (settings - system - storage - internal share storage - cached data ), also check the performance of the TV without any external devices connected, and try resetting it from the mains as well, this should help.


Regarding the AV amplifier, is it a Sony one? and have you tried different cables or different audio systems with the TV?

Clearing the cache seems to have speeded things up but it seems to like having a minimum of 22MB stored as it will not clear below  that figure. Under another post when I complained about the ARC connection to my Yamaha AV amp, I was told that there were incompatibility problems with that beast so reverting to an optical link was recommended and that has solved that problem. As I said, my Toshiba TV and Yamaha AV amp combination gave me no problems and I'm using the same HDMI cable now as I used then.

Community Team

Hey @Mike-G1sbn, clearing the cache shouldn't clear all the data, there should be some space left. I'd actually recommend trying different HDMI cables instead of the optical and see how that goes, or trying different optical cables as well. You could also try resetting the sound settings and test again. Hope this helps!

I had to smile when I saw your version - I have been absolutely appalled by the terrible quality of the software in my KDL-43WF663. I bought SONY because I had confidence in the brand, and paid extra for the privilage. As a SW professional (Software development manager for 20 years) I would have either fired the software team, if they are the reason the SW is so unbelievably slow and unreliable, OR refused to deliver software on such a low performance  hardware platform.

It is also inexcusable that SONY hasn't addressed these problems. A smart TV that cannot reliably run a version of iplayer without 30 seconds start up time and 3 or 4 second delays on reacting to cursor movements is simply crap.

Community Team

Hi @mdmdmd, what is the current software version on your TV? Is it 8.631? Also, what exactly are the problems you're having with the software?

Agreed ive had the Sony oled for a little under 12 months and it’s completely overranked

internet flags as connected then not connected continuously  can’t be relied upon 

the times shift simply doesn’t work .. period another Sony pearl to guarantee their continued demise 

google tv is useless and can be totally replaced by a 30£ firestick 


basically i was well and truely conned by the add man , mines oled simply isn’t worth the money , doesn’t do what a supermarket brand can do and is really a serious lesson when it comes to paying vast sums 

apparently you really don’t get what you pay for 


yep I’m a MUG