Stop me leaving Sony for Canon!

Stop me leaving Sony for Canon!

I currently use 2x nex 3 firmware v4...

I am awaiting sony to help me out and release a new firmware with manual control of iso/shutter on video mode.  I know NEX5n allows this.

If this does not get offered on a future firmware update soon i will be selling my NEX 3's and moving to Canon 5D for my upgrade..  I feel it unfair I should purchase 2x NEX 3, for full price,  not making it clear the iso is automatic on the video mode, then 3 Months later they release the new version with slight firmware changes and not much else, with the blatantly obvious intention of making us current owners upgrade to new model.

I'd also love to see my APS-c sensor being used properly, instead of cropping during video mode and losing 1/3rd of the sensor, making the 24mm f1.8 zeiss less worthwhile of a £1000 outlay! (the new models dont do this cropping, and its again just a software issue and not hardware related).

If My cameras are made usable by allowing manual control of iso/shutter on video mode on a new firmware update I will be purchasing the 24mm f1.8 zeiss e mount (£1000 more into the pockets of sony).  If not, the cameras will be sold on the preowned market and i will move to a single canon 5d (MkIII????) where I gain full frame, manual control of shutter/iso at the expense of a bigger body.

I look forward to your response and hope i can stay with what I think are great cameras with slight flaws (which appear for product differentiation and not because of bad design)


Your comments make no sense what-so-ever.  You are comparing a £300 NEX-3 to a full frame £1,500 Canon 5D MK II dSLR body.  They are COMPLETEY different markets.

You'll then need to add thousands to the 5D body purchase as you need top quality Canon glass.

In what way do you think the two would ever compare?  That's just one of the more bizarre posts I have ever read!

you have completely misread and gone off on a tangent.  nex c3 and 5n are same price as the original 3 and 5.  they have had firmware adjust ments to allow manual control of the video mode.

5d mk2 can be had for £1200.  my stock of manual focus lenses will be fine with the 5d and will surpass most of the modern ef lenses. 

my mention of the 5d is to highlight the fact that if i were to not bother with sony, not buying the upcoming 24mm f1.8 sony/zeiss, i could instead sell up my sony nex 3's and purchase a canon 5d mk2 with the money + what i would have spent on the 24mm sony/zeiss

re read my topic before flying off the handle.  i want my nex3's to perform as they were advertised.  not with firmware restrictions making them less usable than the new versions (released 2-3 months after my purchase of the prior model at full price).  The cheekiness of this firmware product differentiation is enough to force me out from the sony alpha users list and take my custom elsewhere.

You mentioned the NEX-3 vs. 5D comparison, which was odd, but no matter.

The NEX-3/5 perform now as they performed when you opened the box.

You kept your purchase, so must have been happy with its functions.

If you want functions on a new model, upgrade.

If you are not happy with Sony, I wish you well with your swap to Canon. I guess you believe Canon add functions to their discontinued cameras...

sony need to maintain existing customers, who like me will purchase £1000 worth of very nice lens from them if they make the camera worth keeping with a very simple firmware update.  the point is, an old model from canon performs.  550d is same price bracket as nex 3/5, but doesnt need updating because of the manual control of iso/shutter during movie mode.

i really like my nex cameras, but the current fixed settings are not making me very likely to keep them and pay for a nice new zeiss 24mm in emount.

Message was edited by: Mick2011